Sunday, January 10, 2010

My opinion on Classroom Blogging

My feelings on classroom blogging:

I am pleased that I decided to take this course. Initially, when I began this class in the fall 2007, blogging was on the verge of becoming very mainstream (I think). Two years later, blogging is here to stay. This course has helped me learn more about blogging, however I have also been able to experience it in the classroom. I am currently a special education consultant teacher at the middle school.

Part of my job is to "consult" or "push in" to teachers classrooms. Traditionally, for our literature circle unit we would have the students work in groups together. This year the language arts teacher decided to eliminate literature circles and have the students blog. It is fascinating! When she taught the first lesson, I was amazed at how blogging for literature circles could work. The students loved it and started typing immediately. I am so impressed with how efficient blogging is. All students are engaged and active. I think that blogging is one of the best things that could have happened to the classroom. I feel that the students are utilizing their time better, and producing higher quality work for literature circles.

Blogging is great! I would like to see other content areas use blogging in their classes.